Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Thoughts....

Sorry for my absence this week, but I have been busily listing things to sell on ebay, do you ever sell anything on ebay? Anyway, I found myself so stressed out, and tired last night(this baby is really beginning to slow me down..) that I burst into tears while on the phone with my mother in law. So this morning I made myself stop in the midst of all the house cleaning, ebay listing, packing boxes, child rearing and made myself think.... how do I say it? Happy thoughts? I know cliche'. It did make me feel a little bit better, and forced me to just shrug my shoulders at this overwhelming chaos I have found myself in this last week. Here are a few of my happy thoughts....

A nice clean house
Watching my little birds play in the kiddie pool
The fact that my baby shower is only 3 weeks away, Yay
Finding the perfect paint color for my little pups nursery
My gap maternity shorts, because they are the only article of clothing I own right now that I love
Warmer days, because now I don't have to have an excuse to wear sandals on my swollen feet,
A good salad
When my husband goes to hold my hand first
The smell of my daughters hair
My Dads omelets which I haven't' had in over a year
The fact that every time I go to put jam on my morning toast, I am reminded of my little babes whom helped me make it...

That's just a few for now... Tell me, what are your "happy thoughts?"

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