Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dane's Jurassic Park Party!!!!!!

So the mama birds good friend Mrs. Krysta put together the most awesome Jurassic Park Themed Birthday Party.... the best part????  It was a complete DIY party.... from the invites, to the dino fossil dig, to the spectacular cupcakes and cake!  Read on for more pictures and party details:

The doorway leading into the party.....  Mrs. Krysta and her hubby covered the entryway with cardboard and painted it to look like the main gates leading into Dane's Jurassic Park themed affair.  Krysta then printed and cut out the Jurassic Park lettering and attached it to the center of the "gate."  Two flaming Calderons hung on either side of the gate opening (purchased on ebay) and loose mock wires poked out from around the gate and light switch to create that true to the movie feel.  Even the light switch featured yellow caution tape.

Each child was also able to "shop" at Danes souvenir shop as they entered the party.  Souvenirs included outback style canvas hats, canvas tote bags and  tee shirts all adorned with the Jurassic Park logo which were designed, printed and ironed on to each item.

The Children were lead to the backyard for lunch which included sitting on blankets under a covered canopy just like real paleontologist.  Each child had a brown bag lunch that featured dinosaur chicken nuggets, dinosaur shaped sandwichs, dino fruit snacks, pirates booty and juice.  Bags were also adorned with Jurassic Park logo stickers that Mrs. Krysta and her hubby made and printed out themselves. 

Adults were treated to a "Sandwich Bar" which included different types of meats, cheeses, veggies and condiments to build up your own sandwich.  Watermelon, chips, dips and veggies rounded out the lunch time buffet.

The Queen of DIY Mrs. Krysta

After lunch came the dinosaur stations..... children rotated to one of three activities which included a home made dinosaur fossil dig, a dinosaur trivia game or a build your own 3D dinosaur puzzle.  For the dino dig each child received a brick of concrete that had shells and dinosaur skeletons embedded within the brick.  The kiddos were given tools as well as safety goggles in order to "excavate" there fossils.  Each child also was able to take home the fossils they dug out.

 After the dino stations came the traditional party game of pin the tail..... or in this case, pin the dino fossil head to his fossil body.  The kiddos each took turns while blindfolded of course and the winners were rewarded with prizes.

Next came the cake and cupcakes.  Again these were all made by the talented Mrs. Krysta.  Dane had his own special mini cake that included brown icing with dinosaurs and palm trees.  Tiny rocks also topped the cake as well as the cupcakes.  The best part?  The rocks are not rocks but tiny chocolates that look like rocks! 

Baby bird enjoying some yummy Lunch!

Mrs. Krysta and the Mama Bird

Daddy bird and Baby bird in on the fun!!!

The birdie family had the most awesome time ever!  Mrs. Krysta pulled together a truly awesome party!!!!!
Kudos Mrs. Krysta!


  1. Hi, where did you get the white jurassic park hats?

  2. HI, I was wondering where you came up with these cool ideas? I am graduating this year and i am having a Jurassic Park themed graduation party because i love dinosaurs and i am going to college to be a paleontologist. If you can please get back to me at
